UNICEF supports INSTAT for drafting of the Official Statistical Programme 2017 – 2021
Institute of Statistics has started the process of drafting the new 5-year National Programme of Official Statistics, covering the period 2017 - 2021. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is assisting INSTAT with financial support and technical expertise to develop the new document of the Official Statistical Programme.
UNICEF's assistance consists in providing financial support for the organization and facilitation of consultations' process, promoting inter-institutional cooperation between stakeholders in order to produce quality and relevant official statistics, focusing on social indicators, mainly for children. Following this process INSTAT and UNICEF have launched, on 20th of April, 2016 a technical workshop on the process of drafting the new National Official Statistical Programme.
The meeting was attended by representatives of governmental institutions, international organizations, donors, etc.
This meeting aimed to inform and consult on the process of drafting the national statistical program, to emphasize the importance of interaction between institutions in order to develop a comprehensive official statistical programme, for which the contribution of everyone is essential to have a sound basis for decision-making and monitoring policies for the development of the country and integration of Albanian statistics in the European statistical system.
The program contains all the indicators that should be produced by the National Statistical System in the next 5 years, therefore this meeting will represent the starting point of a series of consultative meetings, that will be organized by INSTAT following the implementation of its functions determined in the Law on Statistics as the main producer of official statistics in the Republic of Albania and the responsible institution for coordinating the functioning of the National Statistical System.